No meeting today
Late announcement: This week's (2/17) YAA meeting has been rescheduled because of the Historians Against War conference. Instead we'll be meeting on Sunday at about 4 pm. If you'd like to attend let us know in the comments and we can forward you more information.
And a quick update about our campaign to limit military recruiter access in AISD schools: YAA members and Nonmilitary Options for Youth met with AISD general counsel Mel Waxler on Wednesday to discuss the legal implications of our proposed limitations (see below). Mr. Waxler informed us that our proposal was being taken into consideration and he would make a recommendation to the board at some point in the near future. He also confirmed, to our surprise and delight, that AISD is already moving towards a modified version of the SR-290 opt-out form that makes clear military recruiters' access to student information. The new form may even provide students and parents the opportunity to separately and exclusively opt-out from sharing their information with military recruiters - who would use such information, for instance, to call you on your birthday telling you to join the military, an unpleasant experience that interrupted a YAA member's birthday party just last year.
The struggle continues, even though there's no meeting today.
And a quick update about our campaign to limit military recruiter access in AISD schools: YAA members and Nonmilitary Options for Youth met with AISD general counsel Mel Waxler on Wednesday to discuss the legal implications of our proposed limitations (see below). Mr. Waxler informed us that our proposal was being taken into consideration and he would make a recommendation to the board at some point in the near future. He also confirmed, to our surprise and delight, that AISD is already moving towards a modified version of the SR-290 opt-out form that makes clear military recruiters' access to student information. The new form may even provide students and parents the opportunity to separately and exclusively opt-out from sharing their information with military recruiters - who would use such information, for instance, to call you on your birthday telling you to join the military, an unpleasant experience that interrupted a YAA member's birthday party just last year.
The struggle continues, even though there's no meeting today.